Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Not All Bread and Circuses

Lion Kills Man Who Climbed Into Cage in Ukrainian Capital's Zoo
(AP) A lion killed a man who climbed into its enclosure in the Ukrainian capital's zoo, police said Monday…He said the man, who was not identified, was acting aggressively and the lion seized him by the throat. The man, an ethnic Azerbaijani, died at the scene.Ukrainian TV channel NTN broadcast interviews with witnesses who said the man told them that he wanted to test God, believing that God would not allow the lions to hurt him.

Why is it that the lion is accused of being the attacker? Ask yourselves, if some shifty Azeri snuck into your house telling him God told him to, wouldn't you take some defensive measures?

It's not the lion's fault that he lacks thumbs. Teeth only have two settings: kill and not-kill. Do people think they can just set phasers to stun? What I think needs to happen now is that someone needs to go to that zoo and give the lion a big hug and tell him everything's going to be okay...