Friday, July 27, 2007

2007 Pieces of Flair T-Shirt Art Contest

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Looking for fun, fashion and fame? Well, you've come to the right place. PoF currently sports a collection of high-class fashion wear with a message. The only thing it lacks is some high-class artwork.

Therefore, PoF is hosting its first ever . Readers can view and vote to determine the winner. Whoever makes the cut will be profiled on the site, will walk away with a free version of their completed shirt, and - most importantly - will bear the title of Winner of the Pieces of Flair 2007 T-Shirt Art Contest. Three shirt designs mean three chances to win:

SHIRT 1: Heaven

SHIRT 2: Hell

SHIRT 3: Eternity

RULES: The artist can decide whether or not to include the text of the shirts or submit a stand-alone image to accompany the text. Interested contestants may send their original submissions to Matthew or Meredith via the email addresses located in the PoF Bloggers link. Entries should be in JPEG or PNG format. The deadline for entries is noon on Friday, August 24, 2007 EST. Let's get artsy!