Thursday, September 28, 2006

Matt Cale on art

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"Art, so debased and devalued as a term as to be nearly valueless, has, at least in recent times, been used less as an accurate label of content, and more as a political sledgehammer to inflict taste and decency on others. If it’s not good for you, it is said, it can only serve to harm both the individual and the culture at large. Art in service of morality is almost always propaganda, but its greatest crime might be in its failure to provide a good time. The very concept of Jackass, then, is a rebuke to the idea that edifying entertainment is the only goal worth pursuing. Moreover, it understands that while human beings erect great monuments to their alleged desire to strive and progress, what they really want is to have the other guy feel the sting of life’s woes. All of our frustrations, resentments, hatreds, and bitterness can be expunged in one great swoop, all by watching our fellow man put each other through the ringer."