Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Best & Not-So-Best Free Market Org Name

Oh, the flourishing of human creativity when it comes to naming:

Romania Think Tank

The worst is of course (disregarding anything with Ayn in its title):


I do have to admit (and this is just between the PoFers here) that the Mercatus Center (though not the unwieldly Mercatus Center at George Mason University) is one of the more unique and functional names of The Movement (acronyms and titles including Hayek beware). The old MC has even inspired the creation of the Djibouti-based Mercatus Institute.

If I had a hammer, I'd be partial to teaching the world to sing about the Freedom of Association Association--or [Fah-Squared] for short.

Still, here's a final thought to consider from Wikipedia regarding the Mont Pelerin Society:

Originally, it was to be named the Acton-Tocqueville Society. After Frank Knight protested against naming the group after two "Roman Catholic Aristocrats" and Ludwig von Mises [from Ukrainia!] expressed concern that the mistakes made by Acton and Tocqueville in their lifetimes would be connected with the society, the name of the Swiss resort where it convened was used instead.
This is why I think perhaps the Year Long Cruise From Tasmania to Toronto and Everything Inbetwixt Foundation would make the ideal new addition to The Movement.