Friday, April 14, 2006

Email of the day:

Left-wing anarchists plan to protest Monday against TimeWarner, DC Comics, and a movie theatre on 42nd Street for their complicity in releasing the movie _V for Vendetta_, which the left-anarchists feel misrepresented anarchy (if they were smart anarchists, or had jobs, I think they'd spend that evil day protesting the IRS, not DC Comics, but that's a side issue).

I, by contrast, will lead a counter-protest of anarcho-capitalists and well-wishers, sticking up for comics, free markets, "movie magic," and the sanctity of contracts (even when they are signed by a disgruntled, left-anarchist, snake-deity-worshipping comic book writer like Alan Moore).

To show your (very broadly defined) support, or to heckle, please stand beside me on the sidewalk (and wear black -- or for bonus points, also wear a large red "D" for Diplomacy, as I will to clearly show that I'm the rational one) outside DC Comics headquarters at Broadway and 53rd just before 1:45pm Monday (4/17), which is when the left-anarchists say they'll arrive (having earlier protested at the TimeWarner building) and when I'll be on my lunch hour, as alluded to in the final paragraph of Lloyd Grove's gossip column in the _Daily News_.