Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Even Frivolity in Slavdom is Too Hard, Part II

While the world watches (or flips through) the 4-month+ long cage fight that is the Ukrainian parliament, an interesting observation was made:

Another question is how Yanukovich will keep together a coalition made up of billionaires, red-blooded sovoks and crypto-Communists. This should prove to be as difficult as the failed virtual "orange" coalition [of billionaires, populists, and ethnicy pop stars].

Which of course reminds me of an incredibly long and amusing article on the “sovok” courtesy of The eXile:
Any psychologist will tell you that the opposite urge is at work with the sovok: having grown up living in a pile of people, he will for the rest of his life be drawn to human piles, no matter how much inner rage and incoherence this costs him.
This tradition of verbal diarrhea, so familiar to foreigners who have worked hard to grow accustomed to it, was what caused such freakish phenomena as the anchorman Yevgeny Kisyelov, a man physically incapable of speaking a simple declarative sentence.

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Incidentally, eXile.ru is also home to the finest political/travel-type article ever written (sorry Kaplan, O’Rourke, et al.) War Nerd, I love you!