Thursday, August 17, 2006


Herbert's ecological and religious concerns now seem oddly prescient, but this sizzling update, still filled with crazed women who sexually enslave men, sometimes borders on campy 1950s B-movie parody.
Well, next week the latest installment of Never Ending Story IV: The Dune saga will be released.

This of course means it's time to review the official site and see what it has to say about attacks by pro-father Frank, anti-son Brian true believers which have been dubbed Talifan by Herbert the Younger. (Maybe HerbY would have preferred continuing to schlep real estate on Bainbridge Island than endure/capitalize-on his father's legacy.)

Sadly, without even a hint of irony, you can make a donation through the official site to the World Wildlife Fund, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, or one of those other anti-Sandworm nut jobs. Did these guys even read the original books? Greens kill the sandworms, the source of all progress (and fun) in the universe!

Prescient. Goddamn right.