Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Boo Hoo

Just can't get enough of that Hurricane Katrina coverage.
"People in Utah don't know how to act toward black people."
But then again, maybe they do.
They say economic opportunity and lower crime rates there are offset by subtle racism the black family encounters.
How dare we not be robbed and then given jobs. Those are some crafty racists.

One evacuee, who is evidently well over 200 years of age, reflects:
"We used to live in Africa and we were moved to New Orleans and we had to adapt there," he said. "Now we are in Utah and we have to adapt here. We're tired of adapting."
Sometimes I think I should thank Stalin for his Holodomor and the "encouragement" it gave my forebearers to move to the Cleveland ghettos (next to lots of black people who'd already gotten the best slums). I sure as hell prefer being a Ukrainian-American to being a Ukrainian-Ukrainian. And if my time in Nigeria and Rwanda tells me anything, Salt Lake City is not a bad consolation prize.

In any case, it could be worse. They could be from Detroit and still be in Detroit.