Thursday, August 10, 2006

Millenniumally Challenged

Inspired by Norton Juster’s Terrible Trivium character (and my life):

Grant Idea #0001 – Weird is the New Normal
Conduct a survey to ascertain if people describe themselves as “normal” or “weird”. If the majority of a population groups themselves in the “weird” category, what are the implications for normalcy as the community knows it.

Grant Idea #0002 – Paper Clip Migrations
Employing the nano-technology used on Alias, the migrations of mutli-colored, medium-sized paper clips will be tracked from their introduction into the wild until they return from whence they have come. Extensive interviews of the people their lives have touched will be conducted in addition to the commissioning of indigenous folks songs from the communities these paper clips have impacted.

Other ridiculous/pointless/trivial/.../ill-advised/over-advised grants can be found here, here, here,…