Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Even Frivolity in Slavdom is Too Hard, Part I

On the Origins of Tatu

...you know, that hip Rooskie duo that is "'contractually obliged' to be lesbians." Thank you Wikipedia for reminding me why I only lasted a year taking Russian:

The name t.A.T.u. comes from a collocation of "ta" and "tu" (pronounced as 'tuu'), the two forms of the Russian feminine demonstrative pronoun "ta" in its nominative and accusative cases. It can be translated as "that female [does something to, supposedly loves] that female [over there]", or better as "she her". Originally, t.A.T.u. was named ТАТУ (Tatu), in Russia. However, when they planned to sell records internationally, they found out that there was already an Australian band with the name, so they changed the spelling to t.A.T.u. outside of Russia. It can still be written as Taty, or Tatu.