Saturday, October 28, 2006


Time to catch the Korean Wave:
The Korean Wave refers to the popularity of South Korean popular culture in other Asian countries and is otherwise known as "Hallyu"; it has been likened to the British Invasion.
Entertainment industry leaders in Seoul credit the phenomenon to good marketing coupled with an uncanny response throughout Asia to the expressive nature of the South Koreans--long dubbed the Italians of Asia. A hearty diet and two years of forced military duty, industry leaders and fans insist, have also made young South Korean men among the buffest in Asia. Most important, however, has been the South Korean entertainment industry's perfection of the strong, silent type on screen -- typically rich, kind men with coincidentally striking looks and a tendency to shower women with unconditional love.
Maybe the boom was cause by Kim Jong Il’s On the Art of Cinema which the Huffington Post reviewed recently. If Asia's trends track with those of the Ice People, I predict the emaciated and boney physique offset by the maniacal expression of hopelessness and desperation will be the next look popularized by the DPRK.

Credit: Misty & Jason