Friday, October 13, 2006

Combatting phallocentric sink design

Perhaps I've been thinking too much about Freud lately, but while washing up recently I couldn't help but notice the impression standard sink design leaves upon the user. I've created the following diagram to help illustrate the point (although this new-fangled sink unfortunately lacks the typical knobs):

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In an effort to counter current patriarchal influences, I propose another alternative.

1) Significantly shorten the faucet, possibly moving the location to the upper portion of the sink basin.

2) Instead of knobs, design two vertical dials to be mounted below the faucet by which the user can manipulate the stream of hot and cold water.

3) Finally, for an aesthetic flourish, consumers could consider the optional two retractable covers that serve to shield the mechanisms within until ready for use.

4) The "drain" can be left as is.