Thursday, March 18, 2004

Take your pants off, Dylan!

I'm back from a brief stint in London with a new appreciation for firefighters, Mother Goose, and the systemic looting of foreign relics a la the British Museum. Perhaps most importantly, I was able to witness the theatrical atrocity that is When Harry Met Sally as performed by Luke Perry and Alyson Hannigan. The highlight was watching the audience of twenty and thirty somethings reliving their 90210 fantasies with barely controlled glee as Dylan gave the audience a gratuitous glimpse of his pert apple ass. The rest was straight out of a bad high school play in which the performers are clearly putting so much effort into remembering their lines and the blocking that actual acting is out of the question. Sadly, I had predicted that Perry would be the show's ruin, but next to Hannigan, he is a gifted thespian indeed. She is truly awful. AWFUL.