Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Would a Satanic Eucharist Use Sour Grapes?

Following the blowup over the truly tasteless Pope bit that ran in the NY Press, editor Alan Cabal resigned. Now Hit and Run picks up the fun twist that Cabal is a satanist and a whiner to boot:

Gone are the great iconoclasts... What fills the space? Bullies like J.R. Taylor and dickless juveniles like Matt Taibbi, whose hack tendencies clearly run in the family. Daddy does Michael Jackson on NBC, Sonny Boy trashes the Pope in a meaningless cat box liner. ...

Lightweights all, desperately striving to be dangerous while leaving open the possibility of some safe and secure upward mobility in the defanged world of mainstream media. I'm a certified Satanist, and our current issue featuring Taibbi's adolescent assault on the Pope embarrassed me. It was a waste of paper, and a mere insult, not in the least bit challenging, to the city's Roman Catholic population. He could have gone into P2, Marcinkus, and the assassination of John Paul I, but no, the lazy brat just ran off a stupid and ugly list that a 12 year old Marilyn Manson fan could have done better.

I should also add that having met J.R. Taylor and heard postive reviews from Todd, he hardly strikes me as a "bully." Although, admittedly, my first-hand knowledge is limited here...