Thursday, March 03, 2005

When Billionaires Attack...

The NY Post reports that a feud is brewing between George Soros and Richard Mellon Scaife, two of the best mealtickets currently tinkering with politics.

Left-wing billionaire George Soros claims right-wing billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife is trying to smear him by posting an embarrassing story on the Internet. Soros is being sued for $6 million by a carpet installer who claims the investor's Labrador attacked him in 2004 when he came to work at Soros' Westchester estate. Yesterday, Cybercast News Service ( posted a story claiming that Soros and his son, Gregory, acted negligently. Soros' rep, Michael Vachon, told PAGE SIX that Scaife funds the site through his Media Research Center and called the story a "smear attack" Scaife has launched against Soros. But CNS's Scott Hogenson denies there was any agenda, and sniffed: "Soros knows a thing or two about smear campaigns, having spent $23 million on them in the last election."

This so needs to be an episode of Springer.