Via the AP: "Plans to build the tallest building in Ireland — with new recording studios for Irish supergroup U2 on top — were suspended Friday because of Dublin’s slumping property market and slide into recession.
"[British architect Norman] Foster envisioned a 400-foot triangular tower on the south bank of Dublin’s River Liffey with an egg-shaped pod housing U2’s new recording studios on top. That would give Bono and his bandmates a view at least twice as tall as any other building in Dublin."
While the news comes as a blow to U2 fans, PoF followers can take heart that the Pieces of Flair Tower remains on schedule for completion early in 2010. The building will tower over the skyline of Springfield, Missouri, and will feature a poo-hat shaped pod to house PoF administrative headquarters.
Springfield was selected for its location at roughly the central point of the geographic triangle created by tracing the route between Birmingham, Alabama, Richmond, Indiana, and Denver, Colorado - making the spot equally inconvenient for all PoF contributors.