Monday, September 19, 2011

Rulez Rule!

RULEZ RULE! from Everything Is Terrible! on Vimeo.

Via Justin, who aptly notes that this is "the best recommendation for anarcho-capitalism I've ever seen."

N.B., Thanks to my unindicted co-conspirators for holding down the PoF fort while i've been adjusting to life here in SE Asia. Should have plenty of blog fodder going forward.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Rogelio "Juarez, 49, is a rising New York star in the tiny but transfixing sport of Masskrugstemmen, an endurance competition in which athletes—and they are athletes—try to hold onto an enormous beer for as long as they can.

"Yes, exactly: Masskrugstemmen is the greatest sport ever invented."

Monday, September 12, 2011

Take belching seriously


"Besides the social effects like loss of self-esteem, resulting from polluting the atmosphere of those around you, belching can have many more adverse effects and if not addressed, can result in loss of life."

The Lebowksi Cycle

Lebowski eats the bar

"Begun in 2006, The Lebowski Cycle is a series of paintings exploring the idea of layered narratives, using masterpieces of western art and the 1998 Coen Brothers’ film The Big Lebowski as a starting point."