Via The WSJ: "Do your MP3s get tangled in your BVDs? Have you confused an ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund) with an ETF (Effluent-Treatment Facility)? Do you ever order a QPC (Quarter Pounder with Cheese) by mistake at KFC?
"If so, you might want to check in with Mike Molloy, USAF, Ret. On the World Wide Web, he puts out an exponentially expanding dictionary consulted by bureaucrats, translators, doctors, weapons designers and anyone else who needs help decrypting the wide world's daily output of acronyms. Its HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is -- AF for short."
Surprisingly, Pieces of Flair isn't actually listed as one of the meanings for POF. Probability of Failure, on the other hand, is a highly ranked entry.
UPDATE: Mike Molloy pops in to let us know POF is now listed as Pieces of Flair in the Acronym Finder - also, the title of the post is now correctly spelled.