"'Researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine in Silicon Valley said their telephone survey indicated more than one of every eight US residents showed at least one sign of 'problematic Internet use.'
"Most disturbing was the discovery that some people hid their Internet surfing, or went online to cure foul moods in ways that mirrored alcoholics using booze, according to the study's lead author, Elias Aboujaoude.
"According to preliminary research, the typical Internet addict was a single, college-educated, white male in his 30s, who spends approximately 30 hours a week on non-essential computer use."
What are single, college-educated, white males in their 30s (including, apparently, a fair share of evangelical Christians) spending approximately 30 hours a week doing online? Ace reporter Glenn Beck uncovers the shocking truth everyone else failed to consider: All together now, The internet is for porn!!