"A friend of mine loaned me his copy of the film Blue Velvet the other day. While we were watching it my girlfriend commented that one of the characters, Dorothy Vallens, looked like Dave Foley, of 'Kids in the Hall' fame, in drag. I realized immediately that she was completely right. I began casting the other Kids; Mark, Kevin, Scott, Bruce, and their friend Paul, into the roles in the rest of the movie. It turns out there are few enough principle characters in the original film that, I believe, a really amazing remake could be made. Of course some of the Kids will have to play female characters and others will play more than one part. I think we should title the new film It's a Strange World, after a repeated line from the original. Seems to me most everything else coming out of Hollywood these days is a sequel or a remake so this movie should fit right it. Post comments to let me know what you think as I add a post for each character and then we can plan together how to get this film made. Thanks for your support!"
Pieces of Flair
We're big in Ukraine Morocco.
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