Today's Wall Street Journal contains an article by Christine Gardner in which she claims that Sam and Bethany Torode are "at the center of the movement" of evangelicals against contraception. Gardner bases this statement on the position laid out in the Torodes' 2002 book Open Embrace. A quick visit to Amazon's listing for this book reveals that the Torodes have since converted to Greek Orthodoxy and no longer advocate natural family planning. Gardner merely mentions that their position has mellowed slightly.
One of the reviewers at Amazon has this to say: "From a slightly more cynical perspective, I can't help but wonder why the Torodes are still allowing the book to be sold if they no longer agree with what they've written in it. While they might be embarassed with the book's contents, I'm sure they're not embarassed about spending the royalties."
The Torodes' explanation for their change of heart is available here.
Thanks for the heads up, Klevay.