Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Atheists die faster

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As if in response to Meredith's recent post, world news organizations are stepping in to confirm not only that all atheists are going to hell, but that they are going there in a hurry:

"A new study finds people who attend religious services weekly live longer. Specifically, the research looked at how many years are added to life expectancy based on:

* Regular physical exercise: 3.0-to-5.1 years
* Proven therapeutic regimens: 2.1-to-3.7 years
* Regular religious attendance: 1.8-to-3.1 years

"The estimated cost of each year of additional life apparently gained by each method:

* Regular physical exercise: $4,000
* Proven therapeutic regimens: $10,000
* Regular religious attendance: $7,000"