"'It’s part of America,' [Bishop Don Magic] Juan said before entering the Columbus ball. 'This year, Charlize Theron won . . . (an Oscar) for being a prostitute, so you know the game has been elevated.
"'Like the Bishop says: ‘Green for the money, gold for the honey.’ It’s the American way.'
"Inside the restaurant, other famous ex-pimps — including Ice-T, an actor on the NBC drama Law & Order: Special Victims Unit; and Seamore, a Chicago hair-salon owner and promoter — joined Juan onstage.
"Members of the crowd inched close, some standing on their tiptoes to get a look at the icons they had paid as much as $100 to see.
"Tiana Ellis, 27, wanted to be in the company of players, whom she views as achievers.
"'I see people struggling and overcoming the struggle and becoming a lot better; that’s what I’m trying to do,' said Ellis, a rapper from the East Side who calls herself a 'pimpette.'"