"Two mystery men dressed as Batman and Robin have been fighting crime and saving damsels in distress in a small English town.
"Michelle Kirby was stranded when her Peugeot 206 ran out of petrol on Easter Sunday - until Batman and Robin appeared out of nowhere and pushed her car to the nearest petrol station.
"She said: 'They just appeared. I saw them running down the road in Batman and Robin outfits - I was laughing so much.
"'They said, 'I'm Batman, I'm Robin' and I said, 'No, you're not' and asked them if they were going to a fancy dress party but they said they were going back to Gotham City.'
"Ray Cox, 61, spotted the caped crusaders at about 11:30am after doing his morning shopping.
"'I said to my wife, it would make it a better and safer place with these men,' he said. 'Batman was quite a broad chap.'"