Joe Morgenstern at The Wall Street Journal is a bit melodramatic about the movie 300 when he claims its success basically signals the end of culture.
In contrast, Cryptonomicon author Neal Stephenson argues in The New York Times that the movie's success is simply an outgrowth of nerd culture dominance:
"The growing popularity of science fiction, the rise of graphic novels, anime and video games, and the fact that geeks can make lots of money now, have given creators and fans of this kind of art a confidence, even a swagger, that — hard as it is for some of us to believe — is kind of cool now.
"Video games have turned everyone under the age of 20 into experts on military history and tactics; 12-year-olds on school buses argue about the right way to deploy onagers and cataphracts while outflanking a Roman triplex acies formation."