Despite my dislike of Fear Factor, I have never really harbored any
ill will towards the host, Joe Rogan. Mostly I think that's because he often subtley mocks the contestants which makes me feel all warm and fuzzy in my heart-place. Anyhow, when I read his rant about joke thieves, I gained a whole new appreciation. Here's the best part of his PSA:
The latest, and most disgusting joke thief off all is a guy named "Carlos Mencia." The REALLY crazy thing, is that's not even his real name. He sells himself as being mexican, but the reality is his real name is Ned Holness, and he's actually half German and half Honduran. The mexican hook is something he did to ingratiate himself with the local Mexican population of LA where he started.
Now, normally I wouldn't dedicate so much time to talk about a piece of shit like "ned" on my website, but this stupid motherfucker talked shit about me on the radio, so it's open season for hacks.