Why Alice Cooper is My Favorite Radio DJ
So once a week or so, I make a 2 hour drive down to Pueblo in the evenings. I scan through the typical crap radio stations and inevitably find myself drawn to the Nights With Alice Cooper show on the classic rock station. Now, I'm not a fan of Alice Cooper's music, really. I would be hard pressed to name more than a few of his songs - but as a DJ, Alice Cooper kicks ass. The last three times I've listened, he's played something totally unexpected and excellent with commentary that doesn't suck. The first week it was a track by R.L. Burnside. Last week it was a Frank Zappa three-peat. And this week he tossed out an AC/DC track from his set and replaced it with King Crimson's 21st Century Schizoid Man. This was not only the correct aesthetic choice but one that made me think the man must have a good moral ethos at work. It also helps that he is not a moron. And for those of you keeping score at home: his real name is Vincent Furnier, his dad was a minister, he was born in Detroit, and his band was originally signed by Frank Zappa.