"Nearly 1 million bottles of urine. Four hundred tons of cigarette butts. Two thousand tons of beer cans and liquor bottles. That’s just some of the litter tossed out car and truck windows every year on Ohio roads, according to a new statewide study. In all, more than 11,700 tons of trash are dumped on Ohio roadways every year, the study found. Oh yeah, then there are the bags of feces. 'It is truly disgusting,' said Kelly Armfelt, spokeswoman for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources’ recycling and litter-prevention division, which commissioned the study. 'We had no idea it would be this significant.'
"Davey Resource Group, based in Kent, conducted the study.
"In the fall and spring, crews picked up every scrap of litter along 56 randomly selected roadways involving 31 counties. Then they sorted and weighed everything.
"State officials said they were shocked by what was found, including biohazardous materials such as diapers and syringes.
"'I had no idea we’d find bottles of urine on the side of the road,' said Ana Burns, project manager for Davey."