I'm just happy to note that the USVI flag came in second to last.
Pieces of Flair
We're big in Ukraine Morocco.
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- New York Press dishes up a little hate: 50 Most Lo...
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- Looks like Stephen King is wrapping up the Dark To...
- This is something of a repeat. I posted these a...
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- Just when I thought it was time to get my war on, ...
- Dammit. Why didn't I know about this before I si...
- The Random Masturbation Synonym Generator
- I actually found this site following the Cthulu li...
- Elder God TractsFor Cthulhu and / or Chick fans:
- The Sith Rejects I think Darth Ner Tube is my favo...
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- Lebowski Fest Maybe I'll try to work this in to...
- Just when I thought I was starting to get far too ...
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- A nice addition to the bag of plagues...The Mini-M...
- I'm off for the next five days. I leave all posti...
- Most excellent news! Sam Tanenhaus has just been ...
- "ch" + "ill" = "chill" The Electric Company Archive
- Tattoo your teeth. I think I'm as disturbed by th...
- We've got nothing on this guy... I have to say, t...
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- I think Victor is trying to blog vicariously... he...
- In the Nav-eeee! Japanese recruitment video. I c...
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- SomethingAwful.com's latest Photoshop contest: Pro...
- The Exorcist in 30 seconds with bunnies.
- The Book Of Sick is just that. Warning: this is v...
- I'm convinced that no one who grew up on the east ...
- Cheap laughs with children's television and sexual...
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- Suburban Trunk Monkey is back!
- The mystery of Graceland's 2nd Floor is finally r...
- My patriotism kicks your patriotism's . . .Or, dis...
- Victor posted this in one of the comment threads. ...
- Here's that Reason article on eminent domain I men...
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